I have always wanted to write on of these, but never have, it actually took me a long time to write this, but this is all i could say. but at least now you know a little more about me.

I may update later as i grow older but for now, this is me 🙂 enjoy my randomness 😛
  1. First of all, I finally joined the gym (clapping for myself)
    I always sang the song about losing weight but now am actually doing it, it is
    not easy, but very worth it.
  2. I love chocolate, sweets, and all sugary stuff, but it isn’t helping with my weight loss, but who knows, maybe I will get over them one day.
  3. I think I Hate pink, but surprisingly half my wardrobe is
    full of pink stuff…
  4. I was (kind of still am) a tomboy, most people who knew
    me then can’t believe am the same person, and those who know me now, never
    believe I once was, I should have taken more pictures.
  5. I love music and dancing of all genres though I can’t
    dance nor play any instrument, but I plan on changing that.
  6. I love taking pictures of people and places, to me, this
    way, one can store the memories forever and ever and ever and ever, and besides, a
    picture is worth a thousand words so unto this, I will one day own a Cannon.
  7. I think I am Obese, no matter what anyone will tell me, I
    will not change my mind till I lose all this weight, so for now I made myself a
    promise that By the end of this year I will be aback to 50 something Kgs.
  9. I have a bad habit of forgetting names, but I never forget
    faces, so if I ever pass you and not talk, am ashamed because I forgot your name.
  10. I think my sisters are the most beautiful people in the
    world, and any guy would be very lucky to have any one of them.
  11. I Am loud, noisy and very talkative and abit too friendly
    (most of my pals think am crazy) though my voice sounds like a kids,(am still waiting to break it).
  12. I love reading, in fact most people think I don’t read my
    books because I can finish a 700 paged book within half a day.
  13. I am straight forward, I don’t sugar coat, I say it as it
    is, some confuse it as being rude, but that’s just me.
  14. I treasure my friends and treat them as I would my
  15. I love swimming, and plan on going back to swim
    professionally, who knows, I might be in the next Olympics J
  16. I am really good in sports, once I get the basics, I become very good in it. e.g. I was the captain of every sport I have ever played
    all my life.
  17. I cannot cook, like recently I burned rice and eggs, (like
    who does that) but I see myself being a very good cook in the future.
  18. I will become one of the most successful women in Kenya (watch
    this space).
  19. I believe in happy endings and finding the love of your
    life, and forever will.
  20. I have always wanted a Gay best friend.(still do)
  21. When I laugh, floods come out of my eyes (I think it’s a family
  22. No, I do not wear make up every day, that’s just how my
    skin is, in fact I just started wearing make up the other day. but I also believe
    in it, it’s a miracle worker ( if you use it in the right way)
  23. I love clean places, my friends think I have OCD., buy it’s
    just me liking clean, neat, areas…
  24. i love the way it smells when it rains, its just too nice.
  25. My hair is natural, yes one day I will change this, but I
    like the fact that not many believe it is.