Hello’s, happy new week to you, I am currently working on new creative posts to get you guys to know me, my style and preferences better. Before I start can we just say hello to Derrick. He is finally back and I cannot wait to continue shooting with him as he is one of my favorite photographers in the world! Why you ask? Just check out this post.
I wanted to start you off with a simple Sunglasses and Lipsticks post to showcase to you each of these style items in my collection as they are many and what better way to kill two birds with one stone other than this?. Monday my Mua (Make up Artist) met up with me and I explained the concept I had in mind and of course her editorial mind went to work and came up with me showcasing to you All my lipstick colors before I get to them individually.
If you follow me on Snapchat (Kadenyi_M) you already know about this concept and how it was done, I do post regulary there so if you want to see me outside the blogging world, you can catch me there. Fun fact about my forehead is the stripes are all lip stains, pencils and Lipsticks I own, if it didn’t make it there, then it absolutely did on my lips, the look was completed with harsh highlight and contour lines which I love because it ended up being a little pop art.
The concept ended up being more Lipsticks than Sunglasses but now you have an idea of what colors will be hitting the blog as here is my introduction to them
Lots of love
Photographer: Derrick Chitala
Make up Artist: Monday Makdwallo