If you normally don’t wear much color, try to sneak some in with your accessories or shoes.By this I mean adding a bright solid or printed scarf, some colored jewelry or just simply your shoes!
For me, I did this with my mint green pants.I wanted the outfit to enhance the pattern on the shirt as the shirt was the main focus point.I added in more color to the outfit with colored jewelry. That is the African bangles and the gold watch and necklace. My sunglasses are brown but have a minimal gold and animal print to them which just continues adding to the scheme going on.
My shoes was the last of it, because they are nude, They complement the shirt and also add class to it the entire outfit. I tied my hair into a side bun and voilà outfit done.
PS: You don’t always have to match all the colors in an outfit. Just make sure that when you do mix colors they are complementary.
Lots of Love
Photographer : Vincent Oyolo
Location: Explorer Tavern
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