I am writing this post at 3:00 in the morning and my eyes being barely open. I normally try and write my blog post the same day I shoot it as the inspiration is fresh then but this particular week has been really busy for me. That being said, I am going to keep this post short but still full of style. As you now can see, I am all about keeping fashion fresh while still having fun with my wardrobe. Honestly I am super excited to share this cute little combo with you. One of the looks I am currently obsessed with is mixing sneakers with dresses and skirts. I simply adore a tiny dress especially with floaty bottoms. This particular dress is simply amazing as it can be girly, flirty or sexy. It can be worn from morning to evening depending on the type of shoes.
When most girls see this dress in a shop, they would think of how to wear it with the perfect heels that would make them super cute. I however believe that anything can be worn with a sexy attitude. On this particular day I had 101 errands to do all around the city which required me to be wearing comfortable shoes. What I knew is that I absolutely wanted to wear this dress but could not decide on the shoes which made me spend about half an hour deciding on which ones to wear. After much consideration, I decided to wear the converse plus throw on it this half coat that gave me a boho chic borderline tom boy look.
I hope you enjoyed today’s outfit inspo, and thank you so so much for stopping by the blog; it means the world to me. I hope you have a lovely week
Lots of Love
Photography: Derrick Chitala
Dress: Zara
Necklace: Nairobi Stalls
Watch: Nairobi Stalls
Rings: Maasai Market
Bag: Maasai Market
Coat: Gifted
Umbrella: Kings Collection
Shoes: Converse