Since I began my blogging venture back in 2012, I’ve taken quite a few breaks, some of those breaks lasting just a few weeks, while some a few months.
Photography: Vince Oyolo
This time though, a few months went by, then six months and now I have done less than 10 posts in the last two years! How did that even happen?!
One of the biggest barriers of me getting back into blogging was that I became uninspired —I started to look at it as business rather than my little creative outlet to just explore my writing and photography, something needed to change.
This break has been great for me as I got to seat back and do “normal” things without always having a camera infront of me and thus reminding myself of my writing and photography loves making me ready to go back into blogging.
I am going to be honest, between now and the last time I blogged, a lot of interests have changed a bit but arent humans supposed to? I cant wait to share all these new topics and ideas I have but dont fret, I will still be writing about all my core topics on here with a bit of a twist.
I started by changing out the look (template) from my old blog. What are your thoughts on this new template?

I plan to go back to the dreamer university girl who would jump headfirst into creating fantastic posts. I have made peace with the reason for my break. No more doubting myself, the less time I have between thinking of the idea and implementing it, the better.

Outfit Details
Sports Bra – Reebok
Pants – Nike
Shoes – Adidas

“The longer you take a break, the harder it is to come back,”

The reason for using these images was to mark them as my “Day one” Images as I get back into fitness. As you can see I have gained quite a bit of weight. Though cliche, I want to start 2020 with a progressive step forward integrating a couple of days of flexibility workouts in order to increase blood flow and circulation while assisting my range of motion and joint mobility. Once my body has properly readjusted to the new demands that will be placed on it. I will work back into my goal weight which is 55kgs.

I also intend on doing a lot of small, everyday healthy changes that are going to help me eat more nutritiously, have more energy and just feel a whole lot healthier, because that’s what it’s all about. I hope to share as much as I can with you throughout this journey. I hope you stay for the ride.

You might giggle while you read this. However, my ultimate dream is to live by this blog, travel and take photos. I hope to never let my beloved blog wither in the shadows of neglect.
Let’s see how this goes 🙂
Stay stylish,